related publications for 'Programm-Information PI-21' (50 publications)
Kunst aus dem Computer (Exakte Ästhetik 5) William E. Simmat, ed. 1967 brochure
Kunst und Kybernetik Hans Ronge 1968 book (anthology)
Leslie Mezei Peter Weibel, ed. 2005
Music by Computers Max V. Mathews, et al. 1969 book (anthology)
New Media at Bell Labs A. Michael Noll 2014 article
Paik at bell labs A. Michael Noll 2015 other
Paragraphs on Computer Art, Past and Present Frieder Nake 2010
Programm-Information PI-21 Frieder Nake, et al. 1966 brochure
The Beginnings of Computer Art in the United States: A Memoir A. Michael Noll 1994 article
The Digital Computer as a Creative Medium A. Michael Noll 1967
The Summer 1968 in London and Zagreb: Starting or End Point for Computer Art? Christoph Klütsch 2005 article
Timeline of Early Digital-Graphics Innovations at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated A. Michael Noll 2014 other
Towards Computer Art 1976
Visual Intelligence: The First Decade of Computer Art (1965-1975) Frank Dietrich 1986 article
What is Generative Art? Margaret A. Boden 2009 article
White Heat Cold Logic: British Computer Art 1960-1980 Paul Brown, et al., eds. 2008 book (anthology)
Z64 Graphomat and Frieder Nake Rhonda Bowlin 2010 online publication
ZeichenRaum. Digitale Medien in Studienumgebungen am Beispiel der Computerkunst Susan Grabowski 2007 book (e-book)
futura 13. computergrafik Frieder Nake 1966 book (anthology)
Ästhetik als Informationsverarbeitung. Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Informatik im Bereich ästhetischer Produktion und Kritik Frieder Nake 1974 book (anthology)
related publications for 'Programm-Information PI-21' (50 publications)