related publications for 'Music Lesson' (25 publications)
Another Dimension 1977
Artists/Computers/Art 1982
Beast in the Machine Ursula Huws 04/03/1997 article
Der Bewegte Betrachter. Theorien der interaktiven Medienkunst. Annette Hünnekens, ed. 1997 book (anthology)
Electrical Machines 1975
Encountering Machine Life Jan Allen 2004 book (anthology)
Foundation and Development of Robotic Art Eduardo Kac 2000 article
Jetzt spricht Norman White – Preisträger des d.velop digital art award [ddaa] 2008 Lucienne Bangura 2009 article
Laudation für Norman T. White Michael Klein 11/01/2008 article
Machine Life Norman White, et al., eds. 2004
Nature, Technology, and Art: The Emergence of a New Relationship? Ursula Huws 1997 article
Norman T. White. Godfather of Canada’s Electronic Art Ine Poppe 10/01/2006 article
Norman White. we fix toasters Wulf Herzogenrath & Ingmar Lähnemann, eds. 2009 book (anthology)
Norman White: Beginning Ihor Holubisky 2004
Shifting Polarities. Interview with Norman White Caroline Seck Langill 05/02/2006
Soft Computing: Art & Design Brian Reffin Smith, ed. 1984 book (anthology)
Splish Splash Two: work in progress John Turnbull September 1975 article
Taken with Surprise Caroline Seck Langill 2004
The Helpless Robot – Artist’s Statement Norman White 2005 article
Underrated Canadian Artist: Norman White Andrea Carson 03/21/2008
White Heat Cold Logic: British Computer Art 1960-1980 Paul Brown, et al., eds. 2008 book (anthology)
White, Norman: Introduction Norman White 1997
White, Norman: [o.t.] Norman White September 1975 article
White, Norman: [o.t.] Norman White 1975
White, Norman: a short autobiography and credo Norman White 1995 article