
Prof. Dr. Frieder Nake
FB 3, Universität Bremen
Postfach 330 440
28334 Bremen, Germany

phone +49 – 421 – 218 64485
fax +49 – 421 – 218 64459
email nake at
compart at

Physical address

Linzer Str. 9a
28359 Bremen, Germany

Address for parcels

FB 3, University of Bremen
Bibliothekstr. 1
28359 Bremen, Germany

How to reach us

By train

At the main station, take exit City. Walk a short distance of 60 meters straight ahead, then to the left to tram no. 6 (in direction university: Universität). Get off at final stop Klagenfurter Straße. Walk along the street to your right, Hochschulring. After about 200 meters, enter Linzer Strasse to your left. Turn right after less than 50 meters. Street ends after another 60 meters. To your left and straight ahead you see broad stairs leading up to the building.

Alternatively get off one tram stop earlier at Zentralbereich (center of campus). There, take bus no. 22 or 31 continuing in the same direction as the tram. Get off at second stop: Linzer Strasse. Cross the street and immediately enter Linzer Strasse. Turn right after less than 50 meters. The street ends after another 60 meters. To your left and straight ahead you see broad stairs leading up to the building.

Inside the building, take the staircase or the lift up to third floor. Use the buzzer to your right. Someone will come, open the door, and welcome you.

By plane

After leaving the airport building, get a taxi to “OAS building, Linzer Strasse 9a”.
The cheaper way is by tram no. 6 to the university. Continue as under by train.

By car

You come along Autobahn no. A27 direction Bremerhaven. Leave the highway at exit Universität / Horn-Lehe. Take a right turn at the next intersection (traffic lights). After 50 meters turn right again into Linzer Strasse. Another right turn takes you even closer to our building. Try to park your car anywhere around here, or stop at the barrier and ring for assistance. Tell them you are a visitor to the university. Someone will lift the barrier. After parking, get into the building.

How to find us as pdf