García Ernesto Camarero | i |
last name: Camarero
first name: García Ernesto

Curator, Mathematician, computer scientist, library and information specialist, and science historian.

Camarero widely promoted the collaboration between artists and mathematicians in Spain, Italy, Argentina and Brasil.

Professor of Automata and Formal Language Theory at the Madrid University and at numerous Latin American universities.

He was sub Director of the Centro de Calculos de la Universidad de Madrid and president of the Spanish Society for Science and Technical History.

Author of numerous works including Computer Art, L’Ordinateur peut-il créer une oeuvre d’art? (IBM Informatique, Paris), Experiencias y proyectos en “Computer Graphics” del Centro de Calculos of the University of Madrid (Conference on Systems, Networks and Computers, Mexico), and L’art cybernétique (SIGMA 9. Bordeaux).



1950-1960 Camarero works as programmer for computers in Italy (Instituto Nazionale per le Applicazioni del Calcolo in Roma).
Also was incharged of setting up the Calculation Institute of Buenos Aires University.
1968-1973 subdirector of the Centro de Calculos de la Universidad de Madrid.
1970 member of the group Arte y Cibernética Buenos Aires.
1973-1982 Camarero becomes the director of the Centro de Calculos de la Universidad de Madrid.
posted over 4 years ago
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