Victoria and Albert Museum | i |
name: Victoria and Albert Museum
location: London (England)

“V&A South Kensington is the world’s greatest museum of art and design, with collections unrivalled in their scope and diversity. Discover 3000 years’ worth of amazing artefacts from many of the world’s richest cultures including ceramics, furniture, fashion, glass, jewellery, metalwork, photographs, sculpture, textiles and paintings.” [V&A Museums, n. d.]

“The V&A is committed to providing access to its collections and expertise throughout the UK. It aims to be a nationwide museum, and its commitment to national working is longstanding and widespread. The V&A works with museums, universities, colleges and schools, charities and community groups, central government and local authorities to reach people in the places where they live and to reflect today’s society. Some of its activities, such as touring exhibitions, are highly visible. Others, such as research or staff development take place behind the scenes.” [V&A Partnerships, n. d.]

The collection of the V&A includes computer-generated art and design since the 1960s. [cf. V&A Computer Art at the Victoria and Albert Museum, n. d.]

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