Paragraphs on Computer Art, Past and Present | i |
title: Paragraphs on Computer Art, Past and Present
year: 2010
Bibliographic Entry

Nake, Frieder 2010. Paragraphs on Computer Art, Past and Present. In: Cat 2010: Ideas Before Their Time: Connecting the Past and Present in Computer Art. Swinton, UK:British Computer Society

Paper presented at the conference CAT 2010 3 February 2010, London; published in the procedings book Cat 2010: Ideas Before Their Time: Connecting the Past and Present in Computer Art.

Sol LeWitt published “Paragraphs on Conceptual Art” in Artforum, June 1967. They became an influential theoretical text on art of the twentieth century. They played the role of a manifesto even though they appeared when their topic – concept over matter – had already existed for about a decade. Digital computer art had had its first exhibitions in 1965. It seems it never produced a manifesto, with the exception, perhaps, of Max Bense’s “Projects of generative aesthetics” (1965, in German). Since computer art is a brother of conceptual art, it is justified in a late manifesto to borrow the style of the old title.

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