Christoph Klütsch | i |
last name: Klütsch
first name: Christoph
birthday: August 1, 1970
birth-place: Würzburg (Germany)

Christoph Klütsch studied Philosophy, Art history and German literature at the Universities of Freiburg, Hamburg and Heidelberg (Germany). In 2006 he completed his PhD about the beginnings of computer art at the University of Bremen (Germany), supervised by Sigrid Schade-Tholen and Frieder Nake. In 2007 he published his disseration as a book Computergrafik – Ästhetische Experimente zwischen zwei Kulturen [Computer graphics – aesthetic experiments between two cultures].

In addition to teaching he has also worked as a scientific coordinator on two interdisciplinary and multinational media research projects at the Jacobs University Bremen and the University of applied Sciences in Bremen. Currently he is working at the SCAD – Savannah College of Art and Design as a professor of Art History.

Leonardo Electronic Directory, 2008

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