George Mallen | i |
last name: Mallen
first name: George

George Mallen is the co-founder and the managing director of System Simulation Ltd(SSL), a software development company specialising in multimedia management system. SSL has provided software infrastructure for many major art and culture institutions and for commercial image libraries. SSL has also supported computer art and the role of computers in cultural activities in many ways since its inception.

He has worked with computers since 1962 having had a graduate appointment in the Mathematics Dept at the Royal Aircraft Establishment where many of the early pioneers of computing from Manchester and Bletchley Park had gathered. From there he went on to work with Gordon Pask between 1964 to 1970 on various cybernetic ideas at System Research Ltd.

He was a founding member of the Computer Arts Society in 1968.

From 1971 to 1981 he held a research fellowship at the Department of Design Research at the Royal College of Art focussing on computer aided design and animation.

He helped create the Department of Design Research at the Royal College of Art and introduced computing activities to the RCA. He was the founding head of the Department of Communication and Media Production at Bournemouth University from 1983 to 1985 and created the animation unit there which grew into the National Centre for Computer Animation.

His PhD was on the application of simulation techniques to crime detection and has since published articles and papers on computing, it’s applications and it’s implications. He has carried out consultancy assingments at senior levels for both government and industry.

He is a fellow of the British Computer Society, a chartered enginner, a chartered information technology professional, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

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posted over 7 years ago
I am a researcher looking to contact George Mallen in connection with his project ecogame. I am having no luck with finding contact information for him. I would appreciate your help with this. Best, Claudia Pederson.
posted over 6 years ago
Sorry this is a year late but if you mail me with your details I will put George in contact. Sarah Mallen
posted over 5 years ago
I wanted George to see my mediainspiratorium iPad app - he's in it: I've worked with his colleague Graham Howard in the past, and met George at a BCS meeting c2010.
posted about 1 year ago
I am trying to trace someone who knows a relative of Gordon Pask who might help me get permission to reproduce a cartoon he did in his book in 1961 called An Approach to Cybernetics. George Mallen knew him I believe. Anything to help on this would be great Mike batty (UCL)
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