Franciszka Themerson | i |
last name: Themerson
first name: Franciszka
birthday: June 28, 1907
birth-place: Warsaw (Poland)
death date: June 29, 1988

Painter, illustrator, writer, art director, publisher and teacher, who did the Cybernetic Serendipity exhibition design and was important for Jasia Reichardt beyond this fact.


1907 born in Warsaw as daughter of Jacób Weinles, a renowned academic painter
from 1924 student at Academy of Art, Warsaw
1929 begin of creative collaboration with Stefan Themerson, then student of architecture and physics, author of children’s books and experimental photographer
1930 her first movie »Pharmacy«, produced together with Stefan. In the following years she published six more films and up to twenty children’s books with him.
1931 graduation with first prize in painting, she married Stefan the same year
middle 30ies foundation of the Cooperative of Film Authors, together with other Polish avant garde filmers
art director of »film artystyczny«, the publication of the cooperative
1937-1939 move to Paris
1940 migration to London
work as cartographer for the Polish exile government
Unposted Letters series of drawings
1943 Calling Mr. Smith — a movie for the Polish Ministry of Information and Documentation in London, together with Stefan Themerson
1944-1945 The Eye and the Ear — her last movie
1946 move to Maida Vale district in London
her nice Jasia Reichardt arrives from Poland
1948 foundation of Gaberbocchus Press Ltd.
1957-1959 the basement of the press offices in Formosa street was turned into Gaberbocchus Common Room, a meeting place for those interested in art and science.
1963-1964 Ubu Roi set and costume design, Marionetteatern, Stockholm
1966 The Threepenny Opera set and costume design, Marionetteatern, Stockholm
1968 Cybernetic Serendipity graphic and exhibition design
1970-1971 Ubu Enchainé and Thesmophoria Zusai set design, Dukke Theatre, Copenhagen
1957 Gallery One, London
1959 Gallery One, London
1963 Drian Galleries, London
1964 Zacheta, Warsaw
1966 New Gallery, Belfast
1968 Demarco, Edinburgh
1975 Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
1977-78 Gruenebaum, New York
1981-82 in Lódz, Warsaw and Wroclaw
1991 Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg
1992 Gardner Arts Centre, Sussex
1993 »The World According to the Themersons« festival, Gdansk; Redfern Gallery, London; National Theatre, London; Festival Hall, London
1994 Imperial War Museum, London
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