Wolfgang Schneider | i |
last name: Schneider
first name: Wolfgang
birthday: April 3, 1945
birth-place: Losse (district Osterburg, Germany)

Wolfgang Schneider is a Naturral Scientist.
He completed studies in Geology, History, and History of the Arts at the Universities of Cologne and Bochum (Germany).
In 1977 – 2010 he served as a Dirctor of the »Museum der Stadt Gladbeck (Germany)«.
He was a Co-Founder of the »Gesellschaft für Elektronische Kunst« (society of elecronic arts), and in 1986 – 2010 of the International Biennial Competitions for the »Gladbeck Golden Plotter Award” and travelling exhibitions.
He ist also Editor of catalogs in history and cultural history.
[Resource: Schneider Wolfgang: Nature Related Computerkunst. In: Ursyn, Anna (ed.): Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts. Scientific data through Graphics. Hershey (USA): Idea Group Pub 2012

Exhibitions organized
posted almost 10 years ago
Computerkunst/Computer Art 88 Computerkunst/Computer Art 90 Computerkunst/Computer Art 92 Computerkunst/Computer Art 94 Computerkunst/Computer Art 96 Computerkunst/Computer Art 98 Computerkunst/Computer Art 2000 (Übersicht über die bisherigen Preisträger Computerkunst/Computer Art 2002 Computerkunst/Computer Art 2004 Computerkunst/Computer Art 2006 Computerkunst/Computer Art 2008 Computerkunst/Computer Art 2010 Zu allen Ausstellungen Kataloge Veröffentlichung : Nature Related Computerkunst In: Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts - Scientific Data through Graphics, Ed. Anna Ursyn, IGI Global, 2012 (p. 138 - 147)
posted over 7 years ago
Please take a look at my webside: www.mglobisch.net Computercollagen, Malerei
posted about 4 years ago
Guten Tag ich habe vor vielen Jahren von meiner Tante ein Werk von Wolfgang Blobel geerbt. Sie hat mir mal gesagt, es hieße "Der kleine Lauscher" (und ich finde das passt). Haben Sie Informationen zu dem Künstler oder dem Werk ? Danke & Grüße c.laube
posted almost 2 years ago
/Users/rolfpeuckert/Desktop/NEU/Zitate zum Nachdenken 3.psd
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