Wolfgang Baumer | i |
last name: Baumer
first name: Wolfgang
birthday: May 20, 1936
birth-place: Berlin (Germany)

Wolfgang Baumer studied design at the WKS-Munster and the College of Design in Offenbach/Main. Since the early 1960s, the artist had been interested in the Constructivist pictorial language, attributing outstanding significance to the square:

At the beginning of my study of design, I already ‘encountered’ the square in Avignon. That was in 1960. Since that time, I have been seeking evidence, aiming to investigate the philosophy of the square through constructive and electronic experiments in design.” 5

He created plotter drawing computer graphics in 1963/64 at the design department of the Bayer-Werke in Leverkausen working with a technician. As so often in early computer graphics, these works also functioned as preparatory patterns for reproduction through black/white serigraphs due to technical difficulties and accsessability to print graphics using a large plotter.


1963-64 Worked in the design department of the Bayer-Werke AG in Leverkusen.
1965 Appointed the chief graphic artist at the Kliickner-Werke AG in Duisburg.
1967 Became Head of the Department of Design at the College of Art in Wurzburg,
1974 Founding Dean of the the newly-founded Faculty of Design, Polytechnic Wurzburg-Schweinfurt and appointed professor.
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