Roland K. Fuchshuber | i |
last name: Fuchshuber
first name: Roland K.
birthday: June 23, 1932
birth-place: Würzburg (Germany)

Roland K. Fuchshuber is a mathematician and taught for a long time at the Cologne Polytechnic as Professor and Director of applied and integrated data processing, as well as being co-founder of the information technology course. He gained accsess to the computers of the type Z-22 and IBM 650 for the first time in 1957 through a government research assignment. In 1960 as a member of the foundation committee of the CETIS Group at EURATOM in Brussels and Ispra (Italy) he began producing analogue computer-aided graphics (among the very first works in the field ) 5

Unlike many of his German colleagues, he worked exclusively with American computers and drawing apparatus, generally using analogue and hybrid systems made by the companies PACE and EAL which offer the possibility to intervene directly in the operation of the programme.

“… by contrast to later digital outputs, my computer graphics are all originals and no longer (except as reprints) reproducible .”

Fuchshuber lives and works in Cologne.

1951-55 Studied Mathematics and Physics at the Technical University in Aachen.
1956 Completed a doctorate in Mathematics.
1957 Given a research assignment by the State Ministry of Economics in North Rhine-Westphalia, during which he employed computers of the type Z-22 and IBM 650 for the first time.
1958 Served as a research attache at the French National Scientific Research Centre ICNRS) and the director of a Semiconductor Research Laboratory at the University of Nancy.
1960 A member of the foundation committee of the CETIS Group at EURATOM in Brussels and Ispra (italy); began studies of analogue computer-aided graphics.
1961 Continued those studies in the context of simulation research as a lecturer in electronic data processing and cybernetics at the State School of Mechanical Engineering in Cologne.
1966 First exhibition of Fuchshuber’s computer graphics took place in the Hans Niermann House in Rheine.
1971 Appointed director of the Man-Machine-Inter-face-Institute (MMII), Cologne in .
1972-94 Worked at the Cologne Polytechnic as professor and director of the laboratories for applied and integrated data processing, as well as being co-founder of the information technology course in the Department of Production Technology.
posted almost 10 years ago
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