Jasia Reichardt is a writer on art, and a curator, most notably of the Cybernetic Serendipity exhibition in 1968. She has taught at the Architectural Association, as well as at other colleges, and has written sesveral books. She is interested in art that encroaches on other fields – science, music, and literature- and has spent many years following up the connections between art and technology.
Jasia Reichardt
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last name: | Reichardt |
first name: | Jasia |
birth-place: | Warsaw (Poland) |
1963-1971 | Assistant Director of ICA, London |
1965 | Curator »Between Poetry and Painting« |
1968 | Curator »Cybernetic Serendipity« |
1974-1976 | Director of Whitechapel Art Gallery |
1982-1992 | Member of Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science |
1988-today | Caretaking of the Themerson Archive, London, together with Nicholas Wadley |
1989-1998 | Director of ARTEC biennale in Japan |
1998 | Curator »Electronically Yours«, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum |
Exhibitions organized
Member of institutions
- Benthall, Jonathan 1968. What the computer saw. In: Studio International. [unknown address]:[unknown publisher]
- Dietrich, Frank 1986. Visual Intelligence: The First Decade of Computer Art (1965-1975). [unknown address]:Leonardo
- Klütsch, Christoph 2005. The Summer 1968 in London and Zagreb: Starting or End Point for Computer Art?. In: Creativity & Cognition 05 Proceedings. [unknown address]:ACM press
- Nake, Frieder 1974. Ästhetik als Informationsverarbeitung. Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Informatik im Bereich ästhetischer Produktion und Kritik. Wien, New York:Springer
- Noll, A. Michael, et al., Reichardt, Jasia, ed. 1971. Cybernetics, Art, and Ideas. Blue Star House, Highgate Hill, London N 19:Studio Vista Limited
- Noll, A. Michael, et al., Reichardt, Jasia, ed. 1971. Cybernetics, Art, and Ideas. Blue Star House, Highgate Hill, London N 19:Studio Vista Limited
- Reichardt, Jasia 1968. Cybernetic Serendipity: Getting rid of preconceptions. In: Studio International. [unknown address]:[unknown publisher]
- Reichardt, Jasia 1971. The Computer in Art. London & New York:Studio Vista Limited & Van Nostrand Reinhold Publishing Company
- Reichardt, Jasia 1980. Notes on Art and the Machine. In: Kolloquium 4 »Ästhetik und Technologie«. [unknown address]:Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach
- Reichardt, Jasia [unknown year]. When New Media was new. [unknown address]:[unknown publisher]
posted over 9 years ago
Hello, I am writing from Istanbul, Turkey,
Can I request an email address for further information?
posted over 8 years ago
I need to get in contact with Jasia urgently. She wrote the introduction to my firSt New York exhibiton
and need her London address, or email
John Carswell
posted over 8 years ago
Sorry, we don't have Jasia's email address. Frieder Nake
posted over 6 years ago
this email is for John Carswell, if he'd still like it.
posted over 6 years ago
Dear Jasia,
unfortunately, our system does not pass messages on to others. I guess, we must change this. I'll ask my helpers to think about a way.
posted about 6 years ago
Dear Sir/Madam,
Would it be possible to obtain Jasia Reichardt's email for a short question?
Asaf Degani - asaf.degani@gmail.com
posted about 6 years ago
Dear Sir/Madam,
Would it be possible to obtain Jasia Reichardt's email for a short question?
Asaf Degani - asaf.degani@gmail.com
posted over 5 years ago
Hello Jasia
A voice from the '70s. I would like to update and talk to you about those times and in particular our mutual friend Richard Lin
All good wishes
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