Roger Vilder | i |
last name: Vilder
first name: Roger
birthday: November 29, 1938
birth-place: Beirut (Lebanon)

Roger Vilder’s works are based on the language of forms of the constructivists. His interest focuses on the geometrical form and its derivative processes of change in computer-generated films as well as with kinetic objects. His graphical works are based on a matrix in which systematically or randomly altered figurations are included.

In the early 1970s. Vilder met two people at the Meteorological Centre and at the University of Montreal who worked professionally with computers and joined them in realising simple geometrical ensembles that were not feasable mechanically. He collaborated in making changes mostly in speeds of growth on some of the shapes and see instantly the graphic results in hundred meters long drawings. Based on the works of the University of Montreal two animated films were created.

With the advent of computers. I was able to transpose a continuous motion in a fragmented series of sequential images allowing me to explore repetitious and random cycles.



1948 onwards Lived in Paris, Le Havre and Casablanca.
1957 Emigrated to Montreal (Canada).
1959-61 Studied at the Sir George Williams Art School in Montreal.
Until 1965 Studied pedagogics at the McGill-University in Montreal.
1967-71 Teaching assignments for art at various universities.
1971 Returns to Europe.
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