Manfred Kiemle | i |
last name: Kiemle
first name: Manfred

Architect Manfred Kiemle attempted to bridge a divide between Information Aesthetics and Architecture in his doctoral dissertation that he submitted to the philosophy department of the University of Stuttgart. His advisor was Max Bense. The title of the dissertation was Ästhetische Probleme der Architektur unter dem Aspekt der Informationsästhetik [Aesthetic problems of Architecture under the aspect of the Information Aesthetic]. [Herzogenrath et al., 2007]

He understood Information Aesthetics as an Exact Science that, based on axiomatic methods, should lead to an unambiguous systematic theory. [Klütsch, 2007]


1967 Received a PhD for his dissertation Ästhetische Probleme der Architektur unter dem Aspekt der Informationsästhetik [Aesthetical problems of the Architecture under the aspect of the Information Aesthetic].
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posted about 7 years ago
My late Husband's name was Manfred Kiemle. He was born in Pforzheim and migrated to South Australia in 1968. He was born in 1938 and died in Adelaide South Australia in 2009. Thought you may be interested in knowing there was another German born Manfred Kiemle. Best wishes, Susan Kiemle
posted about 7 years ago
Thank you for this note. Do I understand you right: Your husband was a Manfred Kiemle, but he was not the architect in our entry above? Frieder Nake
posted over 6 years ago
to Frieder Nake......I just today found your reply (which you sent 7 months ago) regarding my late Husband Manfred Kiemle. No, he was not the architect in your entry. Another German born Manfred Kiemle. Susan Kiemle
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