The figure was created by distorting a four-leafed rose with a complex transcendental function. This distorted rose was then made symmetrical by modifying the X coordinates with the sine of another variable, and again with a negative sine while the Y coordinates were modified with the variable itself. The resulting X and Y coordinates were then used to define a Z coordinate. Finally the X and Y coordinates were plotted on the surface described by the X, Y and Z co-ordinates. Programmed in ALGOL on a Burroghs 5500 computer; drawn on a CalComp 570 plotter.
»The Litely Lit Lamp«
by William A. Carpenter
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creators: | William A. Carpenter |
title: | The Litely Lit Lamp |
year: | 1969 |
material: |
drawing, b/w, computer-generated |
artwork type: | drawing |
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