»Derivatives of an image« by Waldemar Cordeiro / Giorgio Moscati | i |
creators: Waldemar Cordeiro / Giorgio Moscati
title: Derivatives of an image
year: 1969

a- Degree zero, 47 × 34.5 cm.
b- Degree one, 47 × 34.5 cm.
c- Degree two, 47 × 34.5 cm.


Co-authored by Giorgio Moscati.

The first visual computer artwork made in Brazil, 1969.

Done on a IBM 360/44 at the University of Sao Paulo.

For this work, Cordeiro used as a starting point a photographic image of a young couple expressing mutual affection through physical contact. The rational approach implied in digitally processing the image was balanced by the personal and emotional content of the picture.

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