»Achsenparalleler Polygonzug (25/02/65 Nr. 13)« by Frieder Nake | i |
creators: Frieder Nake
title: Achsenparalleler Polygonzug (25/02/65 Nr. 13)
year: 1965

drawing, b/w, computer-generated

Size: 20 × 20 cm
Hardware: ZUSE Graphomat Z64
Program: COMPART ER 56

algorithm: A trivial algorithm is generating this trivial kind of drawing: take turns in drawing the next line segment horizontally or vertically, randomly choose to go right or left, or up or down, resp. The next point along the chosen line and direction is determi
artwork type: drawing

The random points, of which only the horizontal respectively the vertical coordinate is changing, are connected in the order of their generation. A certain regularity is due to the type of pseudo random numbers (Van der Corput numbers) used. Modulo 1 results in changes from one image border to the other. The horizontal segments vary only insignificantly in their length.
[cf. Nake et al., 1966, p. 7]

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