»2-color computer graphic« by Robert Mallary | i |
creators: Robert Mallary
title: 2-color computer graphic

computer graphic, 9¾ × 9¾ inches.


" A two-color plotter graphic made on the Amherst College IBM 1130 system. The program, called GRAF/D, was written in FORTRAN IV by the artist. The program stops while the pens are changed by hand. Felt tip and ball point pens are combined in the same drawing."

" Another program of mine, called GRAF/D, uses the plotter for no better reason than to draw a grid of lines straighter, faster, and more evenly than I could by hand. Yet another program, called TRPL, uses the machine to calculate the interpolations between a set of master lines, while also incrementing and decrementing the intervals between the lines. In this case these microscopic nuances are beyond my ability either to calculate or to draw. "

Quote from – Artist and Computer

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