»George Boole's "Derivation of the Laws..."« by Roman Verostko | i |
creators: Roman Verostko
title: George Boole's "Derivation of the Laws..."
year: 1990

drawing, c., computer-generated

Algorithmic brush and pen ink drawing.

All algorithmic procedures and parameters for the front and end pieces were created and monitored by Roman Verostko. For each brush stroke an interactive brushing routine paused the procedure and requested a brush for the plotter’s drawing arm.

The front and end pieces were pen-plotted in an algorithmic serial edition. Each drawing, “one of a kind”, was drawn or brushed, stroke for stroke with a pen plotter driven by the artist’s software. Two families of form, 125 originals in each, introduce a radically new procedure in “post mechanical” reproduction.

The limited edition of 125 copies, bound in leather, was pulled by hand at the St. Sebastian Press in Minneapolis in 1990. Each copy has original, “one of a kind”, front and end pieces with pen and brush plotted drawings executed in the artist’s studio. Other illustrations were pulled with line cut plates made from original pen plotted drawings. The work was also issued in a reproduction paperback version based on the original type setting and plotter drawings (February 1991, ISBN 1-879508-07-9). The press is no longer active. The artist retains a limited number of copies of each edition.

artwork type: drawing

An illustrated limited edition of Chapter II from George Boole’s(1815-1864) Investigation of the Laws of thought. The code generated illustrations, achieved with Boolean Logic, are visual expressions of “Boole on Boole”.

“In Proposition IV he (George Boole) identified “the fundamental law of thought” as Aristotle’s principle of contradiction – that “it is impossible for any being to possess a quality and at the same time not to possess it” (Note 4). George Boole argues from its algebraic equivalent that “what has been commonly regarded as the fundamental axiom of metaphysics is but the consequence of a law of thought, mathematical in its form.”

From this foundation he evolved a symbolic logic for the “essential laws of human language”. He achieved the first successful application of algebraic methods to logic, an achievement which provided the foundation of all subsequent developments in the field. “Boolean” Logic, refined by his successors and essential to switching theory, has been the cornerstone for developing the circuitry and software for the modern computer.

If George Boole were living today he would stand in wonder and amazement pondering the magnificent machine language that has evolved since the publication of the “Laws” in 1854. I think especially that he would be transported to near ecstasy seeing the binary 1’s and 0’s in computer assembly language which symbolize the "on’ and “off” bits. This is his Proposition IV evolved into a machine language that controls the electronic circuits in everything in our daily world from cash registers, airplanes, and washing machines to Cray supercomputers."

Extracted from the Artist’s Statement.


Locations of originals in libraries & public collections:

Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Austria
Block Museum, Northwestern University, Evanston. IL, USA
Duquesne University, Pittsburg, Pa.
Minneapolis College of Art & Design
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
St. John’s Abbey, Collegeville, MN
St. Vincent Archabbey, Latrobe, PA
Tama Art University Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN
ZKM, Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany.

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