»Pathway Series« by Roman Verostko | i |
creators: Roman Verostko
title: Pathway Series
year: 1989

drawing, c., computer-generated

24 feet by 40 feet .

artwork type: drawing

Algorithmic pen and ink drawing.

" Early on I began integrating other aspects of my earlier paintings in my algorist procedures. The first of these was derived from rational controlled procedures juxtaposed with spontaneous non-controlled procedures. The illustrations in group 2 (above) show obvious examples in both my algorist work and the 1960’s paintings of the New City series.

On a deeper level one could say that this juxtaposition permeates all my coded work. My algorithms employ random selection within a set of preset parameters. In effect, every coded work emerges from random decisions that are made within controlling parameters (“not less than and not more than”). There are also a few elementary filters that do not allow activity outside of acceptable work areas.

Even the cyberflowers that appear so tightly controlled are initiated with a random selection of controlling coordinates. All the overlaps and final forms are the consequence of a randomly generated set of initiating coordinates. The initiator is never drawn or calculated. The bezier curves are sprung from the randomly cast control points. While my code uses a pseudo-randomizer for generating the initiator the job could just as well be made by casting dice. So the works always embody both random selection and rational control. "


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