Mutualité. Kurd Alsleben und Antje Eske. Von der Computerzeichnung zur Netzaffaire 1961-2006 | i |
title: Mutualité. Kurd Alsleben und Antje Eske. Von der Computerzeichnung zur Netzaffaire 1961-2006
date: November 21, 2006 – 2006

Mutalité: Exhibition of works by Kurd Alsleben and Antje Eske at Kunsthalle Bremen from 21 November, 2006, to 14 January, 2007. In the style of a retrospective, the show started with the few drawings Kurd Alsleben generated in 1961 with help by his friend, Cord Passow, on an analogue computer at DESY in Hamburg. It ends with the communicative sessions that the two artists have arranged during the later years of their careers: small numbers of people come together, sit in a circle, and talk about a given topic without any restrictions in form or contents. Communication as such and as event here and now.

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