Computer Graphic | i |
title: Computer Graphic
date: February 5, 1968 – June 2, 1968

In all likelihood, this exhibition was the first of computer art in the Eastern Block, at least insofar as it involved artists from West of the Iron Curtain. The exhibition was presented during the time of the short-lived Prague Spring, a half year of great hopes for a socialism with a human face, as it was called.

The writer of concrete poetry, Jiri Valoch (then at age of 22), brought together works by five artists from the West and one from the East. They were: Charles Csuri (USA, number of works in show unknown), Leslie Mezei (Canada, 6 works), Frieder Nake (West Germany, 36 works), Georg Nees (West Germany, 7 works), A. Michael Noll (USA, 3 works), Lubomir Sochor (CSSR, 27 works).

The works from the USA and Canada were reproduced photographically whereas the West German and Czechoslovakian works were original drawings. It is interesting that Zdenek Sykora was not invited to exhibit. This may, perhaps, be an indication that he was not yet using computers by that time.

The show was started at Dum umění města (House of Arts) in Brno (from February 5, 1968, to March 3). It went on to Jihlava (March 10 to 31, 1968), and Gottwaldov (now called Zlín, from April 25 to June 2, 1968). A brochure appeared to accompany the exhibition.

Three events in the city of Brno celebrated the 50th anniversary of the 1968 historic show:

»Computer Graphic re-visited«, at Dum umění města, from October 3 to 6, 2017. The first version of a virtual reality reconstruction of the exhibition of 1968; it was accompanying the international conference History and Philosophy of Computing (October 4 to 7, 2017);

»1968: Computer Art«, on show from April 20 to August 5, 2018, at Moravska Galeria in Brno. It was accompanied by a large retrospective of works by Zdenek Sykora;

»Computer graphic re-visited 2.0", at Dum umění města, again, from March 21 to April 24, 2018. This show presented the works of participating artists on video displays, and also an improved version of the virtual reality reconstruction.

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