Computers and Art | i |
title: Computers and Art

The group exhibition ‘Computers and Art’, which was organized by C. Goodman, was shown at the following places:

  • 18.09.-08.11.1987: Everson Museum in Syracuse, NY.
  • 27.11.1987-09.01.1988: Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • 26.04.-18.06.1988: IBM Gallery of Science and Art in Manhattan.
  • 13.08.-25.09.1988: Center for the Fine Arts in Miami, Florida.

It was the first major museum group show on computer art in the U.S. The ‘Computer Graphics World’ writes in their issue from 01.10.1988: ‘Just this year, for example, the IBM Gallery of Science and Art in New York mounted a landmark “Computers and Art” exhibition that attracted 100,000 visitors in its seven-week run.’

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