The computer age: a twenty-year view | i |
title: The computer age: a twenty-year view
year: 1979
Bibliographic Entry

Dertouzos, Michael L. & Moses, Joel, eds. 1979. The computer age: a twenty-year view. Cambridge, Mass (USA):The MIT Press

‘Gathered from twenty leading authorities in computer science, the chapters of The Computer Age range across a broad spectrum of topics—from technological trends and needs to social questions, such as the changing economics of information, ownership principles, regulation, the range of potential computer uses, from science and business to the home.’

The book includes for example a text by Negroponte called “The return of the sunday painter” (p. 21-37), in which he utters his crushing critic on computer art: “Rarely have two disciplines joined forces seemingly to bring out the worst in each other as have computers and art.”

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