William J. Kolomyjec | i |
last name: Kolomyjec
first name: William J.
birthday: November 12, 1947
birth-place: Detroit (Michigan)

Kolomyjec was one of the first computer artists who, through his work, firmly related to and studied the pioneers of computer art. He studied at the Michigan State University in East Lansing Michigan and, as one of the first, graduated in the subject of “Computer Art”.

He ascribed to Computer Art a role that would shape society, which would span the chasm between art and culture on the one hand and science and technology on the other. He foresaw the computer as the ultimate creative tool for the artist-technician-scientist.

He had selected the graphic Schotter by Nees, Georg which were sold as posters from 1980 onwards. Kolomyjec’s work Boxes is this interpretation of Georg Nees’s work.

“I feel that it is appropriate to study works of other artists, especially traditional artists and those who established computer art in the fine art realm.” 314


1969 BFA, Industrial Design, School of Art, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.
1975 MFA, Graphic Design, School of Art, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.
1978 Member of the Advisory Board of the Gesellschaft fur Computergrafik und Computerkunst eV, founded in Munich.
1981 Obtained his doctorate and moved to Columbus (Ohio), where he worked as an assistant professor for engineering graphics at the State University.
1985-1989 Associate Professor of Design, College of Visual and Performing Arts, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb,IL.
He was involved in the SCAN group (Small Computers in the Arts Network).
1989-1997 Worked at PIxar Animation Studios, Emeryville, CA and contributed to the graphic development.
1998-2002 Manager, Andersen Consulting, Multi-media Learning Services.
2003-2009 Graphics Senior Designer, Accenture Learning.
2010 onwards Faculty, Art Institute of Tampa, Tampa, Florida.
posted over 10 years ago
This is so exciting. I have three of your original pieces ... Stuggle between Good and Evil, Frog Pond and Banana Cone. Remember all our consultations on the Human Ecology alumni newspaper called the Ecologue. Let me know what you are doing. I currently live in Chicago near Navy Pier. It would be great to re-connect. Linda Lucht
posted about 5 years ago
Hi Bill. Where's "Water Into Wine"? One of my favorites! Let's re-connect. Duane Palyka
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