related publications for 'Simulated Basilar Membrane Motion (3-D)' (425 publications)
The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age Anne Coffin Hanson & Helen M. Franc 1968 article
The Machine that Made Science Art: the Troubled History of Computer Art 1963-1989 Grant D. Taylor 2005 online publication
The New Media Reader Noah Wardrip-Fruin & Nick Montfort, eds. 2003 book (anthology)
The New Visual Age Herbert W. Franke 1986 article
The Summer 1968 in London and Zagreb: Starting or End Point for Computer Art? Christoph Klütsch 2005 article
The Use of Computers as Artists, Art Critics,and Aetheticians 1969 book (anthology)
The computer age: a twenty-year view Michael L. Dertouzos & Joel Moses, eds. 1979 book (anthology)
The computers take to art Guy Brett article
The further exploits of AARON, painter Harold Cohen 1995 article
Theorien zeitgenössischer Malerei in Selbstzeugnissen Jürgen Claus 1963 book (monograph)
Time Out 1968 book (anthology)
Timeline of Early Digital-Graphics Innovations at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated A. Michael Noll 2014 other
Towards Computer Art 1976
Transformations Vera Molnar 1976
Ueber abstrakte und gegenständliche Kunst Max Bense 1956
Un cheveu gris sur un tricot gris Vera Molnar 1999 article
Un patchwork électronique, Les Technimages Vera Molnar 1994 article
Underrated Canadian Artist: Norman White Andrea Carson 03/21/2008
VIDEOPLACE — An Artificial Reality Myron W. Krueger, et al. 1985
VIDEOPLACE: A Report from the Artificial Reality Laboratory Myron W. Krueger 1985 article
Valoch ProgrammedArt [ error making ident string for Agent #904! ], ed. 1968 book (anthology)
Variantology 2: On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies David Link & Siegfried Zielinski, eds. 2006
Varied Problems Beset Opening of Jewish Museum's 'Software' Grace Glueck 1970 article
Vera Molnar - Hostoires de blanc et noir 1996
Vera Molnar - Transformations 1976
Vera Molnar - Zufall als Prinzip 1992
Vera Molnar et Marta Pan. Thèmes et variations. 2005
Vera Molnar – out of square 1994
Vera Molnar. Lignes, Formes, Couleurs 1990
Vera Molnar. Paris–Caen 1979
related publications for 'Simulated Basilar Membrane Motion (3-D)' (425 publications)