Vjenceslav Richter | i |
last name: Richter
first name: Vjenceslav
birthday: April 8, 1917
birth-place: Drenova (Croatia)
death date: December 2, 2002
died in: Zagreb (Croatia)

Vjeceslav Richter was a co-founder of Exat 51, which started its activity in 1951, and he spent his entire creative life inquiring into the new possibilities of architecture, painting, and sculpture, seeking to achieve a synthesis of all the arts.

His experiments in the field of visual arts associated him with the international movement of New Tendencies. During that period, he created his cycles

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1917 Born in Drenova, near Zagreb, Croatia.
1937-1941 Followed the development of design throughout the world through the English journal Art and Industry, exploring in particular the works of artis of the “October Avant-garde” and Russian constructivists.
1947 Designed his fist exhibition pavilion in Trieste.
1948 Richter, Picelj and Srnec worked on the Book Expositionof the People’
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