Tendencies 4 (1969), Retrospective of NT 1 – NT3 and Recent Examples of Visual Research | i |
title: Tendencies 4 (1969), Retrospective of NT 1 – NT3 and Recent Examples of Visual Research
type: Event

Following the program of Tendencies 4, organized by the New Tendencies movement, this exhibition took place from May 5th until June 30th 1969 at the Muzej za umjetnost i obrt (Museum of Art and Work) in Zagreb while the computer art and visual poetry researches were set up in the Galerija Suvremene Umjetnosti. It included two sections: Retrospective of NT 1—NT3 and Latest Examples of Visual Research.

The participants in Retrospective of NT 1—NT3 were:
Marc Adrian, Getulio Alviani, Vojin Bakić, Alberto Biasi, Gianni Colombo, Giovanni Antonio (Toni) Costa, Gabriele Devecchi, Juraj Dobrović, Michel Fadat, Rudolf Kämmer, Julije Knifer, Vlado Kristl, Julio Le Parc, Heinz Mack, Manfredo Massironi, Almir Mavignier, François Morellet, Helga Philipp, Ivan Picelj, Otto Piene, Karl Reinhartz, Vjenceslav Richter, Paolo Scheggi, Aleksandar Srnec, Miroslav Šutej, Sandor Szandai, Paul Talman, Yvaral.

The participants in Latest Examples of Visual Research were:
Anonima Group (Ernst Benkert, Francis Hewitt, Edwin Mieczkowski), Marina Apollonio, Art Research Center (John F. Abbick, Peter Clapp, Nancy A. Stephens, Thomas Michael Stephens, Jon Brees Thogmartin, Philip J, van Voorst), Otto Beckmann, Stefan Belohradsky, Alberto Biasi, Jiri Bielecki, Hartmut Böhm, Alessandro Carlini and Bernhard Schneider, Jarmila Cihankova, Boris Cikalovski, Inge Claus-Jansen, Gianni Colombo, Waldemar Cordeiro, Dadamaino, Gabriele Devecchi, Milan Dobes, Juraj Dobrović, Angel Duarte, Herbert W, Franke, Bruno Gambone, Karl Gerstner, Rolf Glasmeier, Hans Jörg Glattfelder, Hein Gravenhorst, Gruppo di ricerca cibernetica (Flavio Casadei, Vittorio D’Augusta, Eugenio Lombardini, Pino Parini, Giorgio Scarpa, Giulio Tedioli, Antonio Valmaggi), Gruppo MID, Dieter Hacker, John Gabriel Harries, Axel Heibel, Jiri Hilmar, Gottfried Jäger, Raimer Jochims, Wolf Kahlen, Rudolf Kämmer, Tamara Klimova, Radoslav Kratina, Richard Kriesche, Edoardo Landi, Wolfgang Ludwig, Max Hermann Mahlmann, Gudrun Mahlmann-Piper, Marcello Morandini, Maurizio Nannucci, Koloman Novak, Luigi Pezzato, Helga Philipp, Ivan Picelj, Otto Piene, Zoran Radović, Karl Reinhartz, Vjenceslav Richter, Bernhard Sandfort, Paolo Scheggi, Aleksandar Srnec, Klaus Staudt, Josef Herman Stiegler, Sándor Szandaï, Luis Tomasello, Jorrit Tornquist, Miloš Urbásek, Grazia Varisco, herman de vries

Other events of the Tendencies 4 were:

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