Grace C. Hertlein | i |
last name: Hertlein
first name: Grace C.
birthday: April 5, 1924
birth-place: Chicago, Illinois (USA)
death date: July 13, 2015
died in: Chico, CA (USA)

Grace C. Hertlein began to work as an artist in the mid 1940s, showing her work in individual exhibitions from 1959. As a friend of the chief editor and co-publisher of the magazine Computers and Automation, she played a decisive part in the concept for the Computer Art Contest, the winner of which was presented on the cover of each year’s August edition.

When teaching, she introduced IT specialists to Computer Art, while also making artists aware of computer programmes. Hertlein regards this interdisciplinary approach as extremely productive, but she found it difficult to realise initially, in face of opposition.

I am an interdisciplinary person, who might have taught in an English, Art or a Philosophy Department. I was, after all, not a pure scientist – merely an artist with the ability to write and speak, to philosophize.”

" The teaching of computer art is a bridge that unitesArt and Science’.Art Departments find the subject too technical. Computer departments find the area too artistic. "

In her late years, Hertlein continued to write philosophical poetry, and composing computer music (since 2004).



1961-65 Studied art, printing techniques and sculpture at the Art Institute of Chicago.
1968 B.F.A. Sculpture, California State University,Chico.
1970 M.F.A Sculpture, California State University,Chico.
1968 onwards Worked at the California State University Chico. Professor from 1970-98.
1969 Exhibition at the “Fall Joint Computer Conference”,Las vegas, Nevada.
1970 Exhibited at Data Designs, State University of New York, Brockport, NY. and Computer Graphics 70 at Brunel University, Uxbridge.
1974-76 Worked as art editor of the magazine Computers and People [successor to Computers and Automation)
1976-82 Editor of the magazine Computer Graphics and Art.
1978 Member of the artistic council of the Gesselschaft fur esel Computergrafik und Computerkunst eV, founded in Munich
1980s Practised computer graphics less frequently, becoming aware of a deeper interest in teaching and poetry.
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