Peter Kreis | i |
last name: Kreis
first name: Peter

Peter Kreis is a German polymath who deals primarily with the problems associated with depicting three-dimensional, plastic objects on a flat surface in his computer graphics. To this end, he developed his own software, which is capable of distorting three-dimensional levels as required, and which prevents levels at the rear, which are hidden, from being shown. This method is still used today in the surveying sector, to display contour lines on geographical maps.


1949 onwards Studied physics, mathematics, chemistry, philosophy and the theory and methodology of education at the Institute of Technology in Darmstadt; thereafter he devoted himself to computer technology. He was the first to calculate the precise paths of the Sputnik I satellite.
1957-62 Worked as a scientist in research institutes and companies both in Germany and abroad. Developed formal languages and through this connection he also wrote the first textbooks dealing with the COBOL programming language.
1962 Founded the Institute for Applied Data Processing (lnstitut fur Angewandte Informationsverarbeitung, AIV), in Darmstadt. from which the Software AG (SAG) was formed in 1969. Today, the Software AG is the largest provider of system software in Europe.
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