Yaacov Agam | i |
last name: Agam
first name: Yaacov
birthday: May 11, 1928
birth-place: Rishon LeZion (Israel)

Yaacov Agam is one of the pioneer creators of the kinetic movement in art as well as its most outstanding contemporary representative. His compositions deals with such problems as the 4th dimension, simultaneity and time in the visual, plastic arts, literature, music and art theory.

In 1953 he held his first one-man exhibition held at Galerie Craven, Paris, featuring kinetic and transformable paintings which invited spectator participation. Max Ernst was the first person to acquire a work by Agam.

He has composed his own experimental polyphonic music, which he called “Musical Transforms” (1962). Polyphonic works such as the “Salon Agam” in the Pompidou Centre in Paris (1971), feature not just a single panel but the whole space of the Salon is continuously in fluid motion as the observer walks through it.

Between 1959-1962, Agam also experimented in the application of multiplicity to a particular kind of theatre equipped with several stages upon which different scenes of the same play took place simultaneously. In 1958, Agam even began experimenting with a new kind of “simultaneous writing,” which dissociates speech from reading, and in which several verbal expressions are written one above the other so that they may be grasped at the same time. He demonstrated some of these ideas in a didactic illustrated book in Hebrew, published in Israel in 1989: Agmilim (“Agamwords”).

He is also recognised for the ‘Agamograph’ – a serigraphed image of slivers of a number of images placed side by side. Once the image is created, there is a corrugated lenticular optical lens fused on top of the printed image. As the viewer moves back and forth in front of the image the image is in constant change as the viewer moves. Source

His visual education method and non-verbal educational system, meant to increase the creative and intellectual abilities of the children by the usage of visual alphabet as a mother tongue, is implemented in pre-schools and kindergartens in Israel.

He was a participant in Cybernetic Serendipity.

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