Jean-Pierre Hébert | i |
last name: Hébert
first name: Jean-Pierre
birthday: 1939
birth-place: Calais (France)

’Hébert pioneered the creation of conceptual drawings based on original code proofed by computer-driven devices. He produces algorithmic, lyrical and spiritual works on paper, on sand and water, visual music and installations. His work has been exhibited throughout the U.S. and has achieved international recognition. … Hébert has been awarded a Pollock-Krasner and a David Bermant grant." [Hébert, 2010]

‘He got access to his first small plotter in 1976, which enabled him to make line drawings and start trying out methods for making geometric patterns. By the end of the decade he was using the computer as a serious tool for creating and printing art.’ [Apple Science Profile, 2011]

‘Hébert has coined the word »Algorist« and founded the Algorists group with Charles Csuri, Manfred Mohr, Ken Musgrave, Roman Verostko, Mark Wilson.’ [Hébert, 2010]

‘The principle behind my work has always been pretty simple,’ Hébert explains. ‘It consists of putting together a process that creates instructions for a tool. It’s all computer-driven motion of a tool on a surface.’ [Apple Science Profile, 2011]


1959 As an engineering student, Hébert landed a summer job
with IBM and programmed in FORTRAN on the first commercial computer in Europe.
1989 His first solo-exhibition “Sans lever la plume” was held at the Galerie Alphonse Chave and presented a variety of ink-on-paper drawings made with mechanical plotters.
1970s Working as a consultant in Paris with the very first HP lab computers and plotters, Hébert began using computers as tools to create drawings.
2003 He was appointed artist in residence a the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
2006 Hébert was awarded a Pollock-Krasner fellowship.
2008 He received the David Bermant Foundation grant.
1989 IBM Research Center, Marcel Breuer Building, Lobby Gallery (La Gaude, France).
“Sans lever la plume", Galerie Alphonse Chave (Vence, France).
2000 “On Lines” DesignArc Gallery (Santa Barbara, California)
2001 “Traces on Sand and Paper”, Computing Commons Gallery, Arizona State University (Tempe, Arizona)
“Prints and Drawings” Department of Art & Art History, curated by Tim High, University of Texas Austin
“Unus Mundus: From the Digital to the Sublime”, El Camino College Art Gallery, with Victor Raphael, Susanna Meiers,
Curator (Los Angeles, California).
2002 “Traces on Sand and Paper 2”, Monlleo Gallery (Santa Barbara, CA).
2003 “Fields on Paper” Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (University of California Santa Barbara)
“Jean-Pierre Hébert & Victor Raphael: Illuminated Collaboration”, Karpeles Manuscript Library and Museum (Santa Barbara, California)
2004 “Plotterzeichnungen” Gallery at the Digital Art Museum (Mitte District, Berlin, Germany).
“New Works and Works in the KITP Collection”, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (University of California Santa Barbara)
2005 “Jean-Pierre Hébert & David Holt: Expanding Reality”, Barrett Gallery, Santa Monica College (Santa Monica, California)
2006 “Drawing for the Next Century”, San Luis Obispo Art Center, (San Luis Obispo, California)
2008 “Jean-Pierre Hébert : Drawing With the Mind”, Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum (Santa Barbara, California)
“Improbable Landscapes”, Marcia Burtt Studio (Santa Barbara, California)
2009 “Jean-Pierre Hébert : Drawings as Thoughts”, SCIArc Southern California Institute of Architecture (Los Angeles,
2000 Fondation La Ferthé/ Fondation de France (Paris), grant.
2003 Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at UCSB, Artist in Residence
2005 NY Artists’ Fellowship Grant
2006 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Award
2008,2009 David Bermant Foundation Award
Artist Groups
posted about 4 years ago
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