Hermann Bense | i |
last name: Bense
first name: Hermann
birthday: April 15, 1954
birth-place: Coesfeld, Westphalia (Germany)

Hermann Bense got involved in the development and maintenance of plotter software, as well as providing user advice in the mid 70’s at the University of Dortmund where he worked as a student assistant in the computing centre. His interest in data processing with a view to devloping graphic images.


1973 Studied physics at the University of Munster.
1974-79 Studied informatics at the University of Dortmund.
1980 onwards Served as an academic in the Informatics Department at the University of Dortmund and developed database systems for micro-computers and extended his interest
in the field of computer graphics – making a theoretical and practical investigation of graphic systems.
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