»Bögen« by Hermann Bense | i |
creators: Hermann Bense
title: Bögen
year: 1976

drawing, b/w

45.5 by 33.2 cm

artwork type: drawing

Curves, rasters or lines are characteristic of Bense’s works; when overlapped these lead to moire effects. At the beginning, relative complex patterns dominate, but Bense simplifies them over the course of time. They continue to display overlaps, certainly, but the moire effect is replaced by gradations of grey, the outcome of varying distances between the lines.

Bense sees the works’ actual artistic merit in their visualisation of the production process: “In computer graphics, it is logical to use graphic displays, for example, in order to document a process of production step by step. In Computer Art. I am sure that the aspect of dynamics, in the sense of kinetic art, will gain in significance.” (Quoted from Franke 1980c, p. 332) 5
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