Theo Goldberg | i |
last name: Goldberg
first name: Theo
birthday: September 29, 1921
birth-place: Chemnitz (Germany)

Theo goldberg studied composition under Boris Blacher at the College of Music in Berlin, and subsequently worked on a freelance basis, writing more than 350 scores for television and radio.

He was already following up an interest in electronic music during the 1940s and continued this into the early 1970s in Vancouver with computer music.

Goldberg took advantage of isomorphic relationships between musical and visual structures. His works evolved eventually into collaborative multimedia pieces. This medium, using computer graphics and video.



1949 Wrote the music for the first programme of the Berlin cabaret group Die Stachelschweine and the radio opera Robinson und Freitag, which was broadcast by RIAS Berlin, in 1951.
1952 Performances were given of his opera Engel-Etude at the International Festival for Theatre and Art in Berlin and of his ballet Nacht mit Kleopatra in Karlsruhe.
1954 Emigrated to Canada and resumed his studies at the Washington State University Vancouver until 1967, earning his doctorate at the University of Toronto in 1970. He was involved in the Vancouver International Festival and wrote the score for John Hirsch’s production of Peter Pan.
1970-78 Served as a professor of musical education at the Department of Visual and Performing Arts and at the Vancouver Academy of Music, University of British Columbia in Vancouver. He met Gunther F. Schrack and co-operated in the production of computer graphics. Schrack was a Swiss emigre to Canada, had studied electro-technology and was a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Schrack calls himself a “tool maker” meaning that he sees himself as an engineer who provides assistance to the artist.
Early 1980s Employed the IT specialist Robert Ross to realise his graphics.
Since 1975 Increased his orientation towards mixed-media art, for which he employed pre-produced tapes and the computer.
Late 1980s Collaborated on several projects with the music composer Barry Truax, the latter contributes the music while Goldberg is responsible for visual elements such as video projections.
1986 Retired and joined the Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver as Professor Emeritus and Research Associate.
2003 He was honoured for his 50-year membership of the GEMA.
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