Gerhard F. Kammerer | i |
last name: Kammerer
first name: Gerhard F.
also known as: Kammerer-Luka
birthday: June 9, 1929
birth-place: Gernsbach, Baden (Germany)

Kammerer-Luka was trained in the visual arts and philosophy. He co-founded the group of artists called Groupe Couleur, working for colour on buildings, which has as its goal the creation of a bond between social involvement and artistic activity.

He met the computer scientist Jean-Baptiste Kempf (born 1941 in Belfort,France) when he was working as a lecturer in German for engineers studying mechanical engineering at the Institute for Technology at the University of Besan. Kempf was teaching FORTRAN to lecturers at the institute and started collaborating with him. In the late 70’s Kammerer-Luka worked a number of times in the ARTA in the Centre Pompidou in Paris where for the first time he had a plotter at his disposal for various drawing series.

The formal principle of all of the Kammerer-Luka/Kempf works is the stochastic distribution of basic elements.In their computer programmes, they specify a reduced repertoire of shapes and a pattern of composition from which a large number of opportunities for realisation can be developed. In 1992 Kammerer-Luka/Kempf as Groupe Art & Ordinateur de Beltort were awarded the Golden Plotter at the exhibition and international competition Computerkunsti Computer Art in Gladbeck.

Kammerer-Luka lives and works in Belfort, France.



1950-1955 Studied sculpture, philosophy and philology in Freiburg and Bonn.
1951-1953 Was exposed to and influenced by E. Wilhelm Nay and Pierre Soulages.
1960’s Created gestic art. After working for the first time in Bellort [France) in 1958.
1961 Moved to France.
1968 Worked as a lecturer in German for engineers studying mechanical engineering at the Institute for Technology at the University of Besan.
1968 Co-founded the group of artists called Groupe Couleur, working for colour on buildings, which has as its goal the creation of a bond between social involvement and artistic activity. From that time onwards, he no longer exhibited in galleries and worked only within the group.
1971 Met the computer scientist Jean-Baptiste Kempf, a visiting lecturer at the Institute for Technology, was teaching the programming language FORTRAN to those lecturers at the university who showed interest. Since then, the artist Kammerer-Luka and Kempf, the computer scientist have been working together.
1972 Founded the Groupe Art & Ordinateurde Beltort together, with the goal of utilising the computer for the architecturaliy related fun ctions of applied art. They conduct various projects in urban development and create independent works of art.
1976? After studying at the E cole d’ Electricite Industrielie de Paris [EEIP), Kempf took a job in the Centre de Recherches at the electricity utility company in Clamart.
1977-1979 Worked a number of times in the ARTA in the Centre Pompidou in Paris where for the first time he had a plotter at his disposal for various drawing series.
1983- 2001 Head of the computer department CU-EDF in Lyon .
1992 Kammerer-Luka+Kempf as Groupe Art & Ordinateur de Beltort were awarded the Golden Plotter at the exhibition and international competition Computerkunsti Computer Art in Gladbeck.
2000 onwards Moved on to animation work and in 2004 received the Golden Plotter for the second time for the film Metamorphose Numerique.
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