R.D.E. Oxenaar | i |
last name: Oxenaar
first name: R.D.E.
also known as: Robert Deodaat Emile Oxenaar
birthday: October 7, 1929
birth-place: Den Haag (Netherlands)

R.D.E. Oxenaar is a Dutch graphic artist.

Designer of book illustrations, posters, mosaics, murals, ceramics and stamps, for which he used computer-generated basic patterns that he prepared at the Technical University in Eindhoven with the help of the programme controlled drawing system CORAGRAPH.


1954 Worked as a designer.
1966-85 Designed two series of Dutch banknotes together with Hans Kruit.
1986 Recieved the H. N. Werkmanprijs for these designs.
1976-94 Served as Directeur van de Dienst voor
Esthetische Vormgeving with the then state-owned post and
telecommunication company PTI (Posterijen, Telegrafie en
1979-92 Senior lecturer at the Faculteit industriele vormgeving of the Technical University of Delft; in addition, lecturer at the Hoger Instituut voor Grafische
Kunsten in Antwerpen and at the Academie van Bouwkunst in Amsterdam.
1970 the first series of five stamps with computer-generated motives worldwide was made as a result of the computer-generated basic patterns that he prepared.
2004 Queen Beatrix decorated Oxenaar with the Medal of Honour for Arts and Sciences in Huis ten Bosch near Den Haag.
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