Vilko Žiljak | i |
last name: Žiljak
first name: Vilko
birthday: December 18, 1946
birth-place: sveti Ivan Zelina (Croatia)

Vilko Ziljak has been involved with computer graphics, among other things he was a programmer of geographical maps. In Croatia, Ziljak is a pioneer in the fields of computer graphics and typography, mathematical models as well as simulations and visual research aided by computers. Since the early 1980s he has also produced films and computer-aided animations.

He lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia.



1959 Moved to Zagreb.
1965 Started his education as a musician playing saxophone and clarinet.
1970-76 Head of the Department for Mathematical Models and the Optimisation of large Systems at Industro projekt.
1973 Graduated from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Zagreb as a diploma engineer in , specialising in physics.
1976-79 Employed at the company Selk.
1979-82 Employed at the company at Jugoslavenski (Jadranski) naftofod
1981 Doctorate in computer science at the University of Zagreb.
since 1982 Worked at the Faculty of Graphics and served as the Head of the Department for Printing Technology and Computer Science.
1994 Founded the Art Hall in Sveti Ivan Zelina. He is a permanent member of the Academy of the Technical Sciences of Croatia and Vice President of the Association of the Graphic Process-Industry with the Chamber of Commerce of Croatia.
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