Gottfried Jaeger | i |
last name: Jaeger
first name: Gottfried
also known as: Gottfried Jäger
birthday: May 13, 1937
birth-place: Burg (Germany)

Gottfried Jäger is a german photographer and profossor of photography. Through his works Jäger has crucial contributed that photography has become equal-ranked to painting and sculpting.

Already in 1968 Jäger was entitled to characterise photography as art form, – consequential “Generative Fotografie” accrued.



1960 lecturer for phototechnology at the Werkkunstschule in Bielefeld.
1973-2002 professor of photography, in particular artistically fundamentals of photography and photographik /generative imaging systems at the Fachhochschule Bielefeld.
since 1979 co-founder of Foto-/Film-Design course, which became 1999 Fotografie und Medien.
since 1979 conception of Bielefelder Symposien about Fotografie und Medien – Beiträge zur ästhetischen Theorie und Praxis der technischen Bildmedien und ihrer Geschichte.
1984 founder of the Forschungs- und Entwicklungsschwerpunktes (FESP) “Fotografie”. since 1993 state-approved FESP “Fotografie und Medien” at the Fachhochschule Bielefeld.
1992 recieved the George-Eastman-Medaille.
1996 recieved the David-Octavius-Hill-Medaille.
1993-1997 prorektor for research and development assignment at the Fachhochschule Bielefeld.
1999-2002 visiting professor at RMIT-University – Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.
2002 artistic and journalistic projects.
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