Jürgen Claus | i |
last name: Claus
first name: Jürgen
birthday: May 28, 1935
birth-place: Berlin (Germany)

Jürgen Claus is an artist who works with greatly different techniques, like painting, film, light, or underwater installations. He is particularly known for his solar installations. His interest lies in cross-over of technology and art. He worked as fellow and research affiliate at the renowned Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT in Cambridge, MA, USA. He now lives and works with his wife Nora in Baelen, Belgium, where he is the director of the Centre Overoth.

“Jürgen and Nora Claus organized the international [”SolArt Global Network":http://www.khm.de/~SolArt/] to coordinate work of artists, scientists, and theorists whose work was inspired by the sun. It was begun in the summer solstice in 1995. (…) Jürgen Claus sees the transition to solar energy as an absolute ecological necessity. He notes that the change will not happen without underlying cultural changes, and sees artists who understand solar energy as a critical element in bringing about that change. Claus creates sculptures that use solar energy." [Wilson, 2002, p.247/248]

Jürgen Claus describes three basic forms of interactive art [cf. Iskandar, 2005, p. 18]:

  • Cybernetic systems: Systems that answer by reacting through sound, light, shadow, movement and the elementary energy of wind.
  • Digital systems: Computer-aided interaction that is marked by real-time signal processing beyond the human’s range of perception, and the possibility to save and compute huge amounts of data with a computer.
  • Organic systems: A network of technical and natural systems.

1954-60 Universities of Marburg, Munich, Germany (Theater, Philosophy, Art)
1972 Artist-in-Residence, Institute for Humanistic Studies, in Aspen, CO, USA
1883 Fellow at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies, MIT, Cambridge, MA
1987-89 Research Affiliate at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies, MIT, Cambridge. MA
1990-2000 Professor for Media Arts at Kunsthochschule Medien in Cologne, Germany.
2000- Director of Centre Overoth, in Baelen, Belgium
1972 Institute for Humanistic Studies, Aspen, USA
1975 Kunsthalle Nuremberg, Germany
University of the Arts, Osaka, Japan
1979 Nature Museum, Lucerne, Switzerland
1986 prodomo, Vienna, Austria
1979-2004 Autoren Galerie, Munich, Germany
1996 Katholische Akademie, Freiburg, Germany
2003-2007 RaumSolar, Munich, Germany
2009 Museum Reich der Kristalle, Munich, Germany
1970 Biennale San Marino, Italy
1975,1983,1990 ArtTransition, Cambrige, USA, Munich, Germany
1983-84 Electra, Musee d’art moderne, Paris
1986 Ars electronica, Linz, Austria
1999-2000 Lumia, International Lyskunst, Charlottenborg Udstillingsbygning, Copenhagen, Denmark
2005 ELEMENTA 1, Otto Galerie, Munich, Germany
2006 Lichtkunst aus Kunstlicht, ZKM Karlsruhe
2007 Trilog: William Blake – Jean Lurcat – Jürgen Claus, RaumSolar Munich
1967 68/ Finnisage : Hans Richter – Jürgen Claus
2008 RaumSolar Munich
Performing the City, Lothringerstrasse 13, Munich
1995 Solar Crystal, Juelich, Germany
1997-1998 Solar Icosahedron, Geislingen, Germany
1988 Prix Lago Maggiore, Videoart Festival, Locarno, Switzerland
1995 European Solar Prize, Bonn, Germany (with Nora Claus)
2000- Deputy Governor, ABIRA, American Biographical Institute – Research Association, USA
posted almost 10 years ago
Hello Jurgen, Have been wanting to get in touch with you for the past few years. Hope you are well. I am still living in Cambridge and would really like to reconnect. My phone number is 617 5769581 and I m also on Skype. Hope to talk to you soon. aldo tambellini
posted about 7 years ago
Jurgen Claus: A brief statement of yours, somewhere, about humanity destroying their earth, causes me to re-read a statement I wrote some years ago; see http://www.com/pages/35manifesto.htm I wish that all of us, who think we see what's happening, could do something effective about this. Best regards, Ken Knowlton
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