»Das Audio Visuelle Zeitalter (Documentation)« by Jürgen Claus | i |
creators: Jürgen Claus
title: Das Audio Visuelle Zeitalter (Documentation)
year: 2008

video, c.

artwork type: video, computer-generated

The DVD “Das Audio Visuelle Zeitalter” includes several talks of Jürgen Claus with contemporary artists of the 1960s, namely Herbert W. Franke, Herbert Bayer, Iannis Xenakis, Frei Otto, Adolf Luther and K. O. Götz. Areas of the conversation include architecture, sound works, electronic painting, computer science and more. Further, it includes experimental film material from the 60s from Ulrich Herzog, Jürgen Claus and K. O. Götz.

Part of the documentation from 1962 about Karl Otto Götz can be seen in Density.

“Under the auspices of ZKM Center for Art and Media Technology in Karlsruhe, all the interviews and, perhaps to a lesser degree, the film documents were put together, edited, and technically prepared. Their common theme is the question, how close really are science and art, and how close could they possibly come. The desire for the union of the two great capacities of human creative being-in-the-world has been with us for decades, and has recently been felt particularly strongly. Beautiful examples exist of equally strong contributions from both sides to unite in one work. Here we see and listen to some. (…)
This DVD is an important historic document. It belongs to the growing set of such examples that will eventually become the material of the early history of digital media.” [Nake, 2008] The complete review of the DVD by Frieder Nake is available at Leonardo On-Line.

Jürgen Claus
Das audio-visuelle Zeitalter (text and spoken language mainly German)
Published by ZKM, Karlsruhe und Hatje Cantz Verlag. 2008.
14 × 19 cm. DVD-Video (PAL) mit Booklet. Spieldauer 155 Min.

ISBN 978-3-7757-2117-2.

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