Käthe Schröder | i |
last name: Schröder
first name: Käthe
also known as: Clarissa
death date: April 10, 1973
died in: Hannover (Germany)

Käthe Schröder was an art collector, a gallerist, and a curator interested in the photographic arts and, later in her life until her early death, also in computer-generated art.

In 1963, Käthe Schröder founded her Galerie Clarissa in Plathnerstrasse in Hannover (Germany). It was dedicated to photography and became the first West-German photo gallery.

In 1969, she organized an exhibition of computer art under the title Computerkunst – On the Eve of Tomorrow. It became the largest such show in West Germany up to that year.

She donated her collection of photographs to the city of Hannover in 1968 when she closed down Galerie Clarissa.

After her death in 1973, the works of computer art in her possession were also given to the city of Hannover; they later came to the Sprengel Museum in Hannover, also under the name of Sammlung Clarissa.

Owns collections
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