Computerkunst - On the Eve of Tomorrow | i |
title: Computerkunst - On the Eve of Tomorrow

The exhibition was organised by gallery owner Käthe Clarissa Schröder at Galerie Kubus in Hannover (Germany) from October 19 to November 12, 1969. It was again shown in 1970 under the new name Computerkunst – Impulse. The Goethe Institut incorporated the show into a travelling exhibition that it organized between 1971 and 1973. It was oriented more internationally and was shown in England, India, Italy, and Switzerland. [Details must be added of the places and times of the showings. Also the further continuation after Schröder’s death.]

The Hannover show was the largest of computer art in West-Germany until the year 1969. Max Bense spoke at the opening. 20 international artists or groups were presented:

[Piehler, 2002]

posted about 5 years ago
Hi, hope you are doing great! Is there any information regarding the installation of the show in India? Any detail would be helpful.
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