Karl-Heinz Werler | i |
last name: Werler
first name: Karl-Heinz
birthday: November 7, 1932
birth-place: Langenreinsdorf (Germany)
death date: December 6, 1997
died in: Sülzhayn (Germany)

Werler was a German mathematician and, later, computer scientist who, in the context of this database justifies an entry as the author of a book on algorithmic art.


1956 Graduates from University of Leipzig as Dipl.-Math.

1956 Works for the Carl Zeiss company in Jena, on Problems of computers for production control; becomes one of the originators of the logical structure of the Zeiss computer ZRA 1

1963 Works in Information Processing, and production of computers. Goals: automation and rationalization of labor

1970-1976 Head of fundamental research department (Hauptabteilungsleiter Grundlagenforschung des Forschungsleitungszentrum)

1968/69 Short-term stays in the UK, and Institute for Allied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg (Austria)

since 1969 Lecturer in Computer Graphics at University of Magdeburg

1970 Ph.D. from Technical University of Ilmenau

1977 Professor for Information Processing at University of Magdeburg

1986 Resigned because of serious illness. Works on human-machine dialogs and computers and art

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