»Black-and-White Structure (Circles)« by Zdeněk Sýkora | i |
creators: Zdeněk Sýkora
title: Black-and-White Structure (Circles)
also known as: Černo-bílá struktura (kruhy)
year: 1968

painting, b/w, computer-generated

Oil on canvas
220 × 110 cm

artwork type: painting

Computer: LGP-30
Programmed by Jaroslav Blažek
Computer patterns produced at Charles University, Prague

“It is about the programming of structures. Their characteristics are determined by a type of element, and by the rules they follow. The elements are built up from simple geometric forms – by dividing or joining those forms. These are constructed in such a way that the machine can distinguish them by type and position. […]
The state of the program is determined by four rules:
the elements must join on the basis of their color;
the elements must not join on the basis of their color;
the elements must join on the basis of their form (in case, circles); the elements must not join on the of their form (in this case, circles)."

[Zdeněk Sýkora in: tendencije 4, exhib. cat., Galerija mene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1970, n. p.; translated from the French.]

Source: [Rosen, 2011]


MSU, Zagreb

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