Zdeněk Sýkora | i |
last name: Sýkora
first name: Zdeněk
also known as: Sykora
birthday: February 3, 1920
birth-place: Louny (Czech Republic)

Czech Painter and sculptor, uses computers to assist his work.
His artistic development led to the necessity of using a computer.


1945-1947 Studies Creative Education and Descriptive Geometry at the Karls University at Prague
1940 Starts to do paintings
1946-1949 Cubistic Paintings
1952 First Soloexhibition
1960 Starts to do concrete art
1964 Starts to experiment with computers/painting in co-operation with Jaroslav Blazek
1966-1980 Professor for Painting at the Karls University at Prague
1972 Starts to experiment with computer generated line drawings
2005 Receives Herbert Boeckl Preis für Internationale Malerei
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