»Computer sculpture combining random scattering of lines about specified, but never drawn, trend lines« by A. Michael Noll | i |
creators: A. Michael Noll
title: Computer sculpture combining random scattering of lines about specified, but never drawn, trend lines
year: ? 1964-67

" As an example of the ease with which order can be united with randomness, the computer was programmed to generate it’s version of Richard Lippold’s sculpture Orpheus and Apollo which hangs in the lobby of New York City’s Philarmonic Hall. This work consistes of long flat plates of brass that have been hung from the ceiling by thin wires. For all practical purposes, the plates can be represented by single straight lines. When Lippold’s work is so visualized, it becomes possible to describe the sculpture in terms of imaginary trend lines about which the bars have been placed. The computer approach was to specify each trend line by giving the co-ordinates of it’s end points, and the computer then distributed lines randomly about this trend line. These lines were random distances from the trend lines and also had random angular positions in space. A total of six such trend lines were used in the final computer-generated result. "

Michael A. Noll
Referred from Page 162 Cybernetics, Arts and Ideas

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