Computers and the Visual Arts | i |
title: Computers and the Visual Arts
year: 1966
Bibliographic Entry

Noll, A. Michael 1966. Computers and the Visual Arts. In: Design Quarterly. [unknown address]:Walker Art Center

Not to be confused with Mezei, Leslie ‘Computers and the Visual Arts’, which was written in the same year.

‘Computers … will become more readily accessible with the net result that many more people, including artists, will become computer oriented. In time this new artistic medium will be exploited to produce previously unknown effects combining color, depth, motion, and randomness in creative combinations.’

The article was re-printed in “Arts and Artists 2” (1967) No. 6 on pp. 12-15, as well as in “Design and Planning 2” (1967) by Krampen-Seitz on pp. 65-80. Parts of this article were integrated with an extended version of The Digital Computer as a Creative Medium published in Cybernetics, Arts and Ideas.

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