GAIV (Groupe Art et Informatique de Vincennes) | i |
name: GAIV (Groupe Art et Informatique de Vincennes)

As one of the many academic institutions carrying the name of “University of Paris”, the Centre universitaire experimental de Vincennes was established in 1969 (also known as Université de Paris VIII). Also already in 1969, a group of young artists, musicians, and scientists came together and founded the Groupe Art et Informatique de Vincennes (GAIV). The most immediate reason for this collective was the opportunity to use computers of the computing centre for artistic experiments at a time when it was still difficult, if not impossible, for artists to get access to this kind of equipment.

Among the founding members were Jacques Arveiller (music), Francine and Jacques Dupré, Patrick Greussay (music), Hervé Huitric (plasic arts), Jean-Claude Helgand. Other early members include Jerome Chailloux, Sonia Charalambides, Yves Devillers, Gilles Lafue, Monique Levy, Jean-Claude Marquette, Philippe Menard, Monique Nahas (plastique arts), Pierre-Louis Neumann.

Manfred Mohr was a participant of the first meetings and experiments, but left the group early in 1970 because he had gained his own access to a computer at the Météorologie Nationale in Paris. His work was never included in an exhibition of GAIV.

posted about 9 years ago
Dear Compart, you will find more information regarding the GAIV at the following site: Best Regards,
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